What should I get my first-time mother?

What should I get my first-time mother?

This is the age of the grand gesture: of proposal videos that go viral, weddings that bring in Instagram celebrities and new parents who get shout-outs from the likes of Taylor Swift. So, if you want to earn a few personal points with a first-time mama (or papa), it’s time to up your gift game. After all, she’s getting loads of presents — including some kind of “viral” onesie or pair of baby booties that she’ll want to photograph and post on social media immediately. What are you bringing to her world? If you’re drawing a blank regarding creative baby shower gifts for mom, don’t worry — we’ve got some Best Presents For New Mums ideas for you here. And hey, maybe one day your present will become an heirloom.

New arrival essentials gift box

This gift box contains everything you need to get your first-time mum going. It’s a great choice for those who want to get her a few things but don’t know what they should be.

The contents of this gift box include:

  • A baby grows with personalised messages on the front and back from mummy and daddy (so cute!)
  • A pair of baby socks that are soft and silky for newborn feet – these are so soft, you’ll want to wear them yourself!
  • Nappy rash cream is an essential item for any new mum; it soothes sore bottoms and can help prevent rashes from developing when your baby starts eating solids.
  • Bathtime essentials including shampoo, body wash, soap bubbles… all things your little one needs to have fun in the tub!

Cast the Heirloom Kit

The Cast, the Heirloom Kit, is the perfect gift for a new mother. It contains everything you need to cast an heirloom out of your own breast milk, including three glass bottles with lids, one starter kit of blue mould and calcium carbonate powder, plus a book that describes how breast milk can be used as an ingredient in cooking and art projects.

Best Presents For New Mums

Maternity Kit

How to prepare for the birth of your baby? What should you pack in your hospital bag? How to care for your newborn baby at home? These are all very important questions that need answering before the big day arrives, and you can’t ask anyone for advice because no one has ever given birth before! Not only that but there are thousands of things that people think they know about parenting but actually have no clue about when it comes down to it (myself included). The following list of essentials is everything I wish someone had told me when I was pregnant with my first child.

Bedtime Ritual Kit

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll know that a bedtime ritual is important for both kids and adults. For kids, it helps them feel safe and secure. For parents, it helps them feel like they’re doing their jobs. A bedtime ritual can help relieve stress if done right—which makes Best Presents For New Mums so special!

I have heard many people say cabinets or even cupboards work well as storage areas, but my favourite option involves using baskets placed underneath beds which seem perfect because they keep everything within reach without actually being part of your bed itself (this means less clutter).

Pampering beauty products

It’s a common misconception that new moms are too busy caring for their newborns to worry about themselves, but the truth is that as you’re adjusting to life with this new little person, you’ll actually be more stressed and sleep-deprived than ever before. Pampering beauty products can help! A good night’s sleep will do wonders for both bonding with your baby and recuperating from childbirth, which means it gives everyone involved a better chance at success.

Eye Mask

You can get these for a few bucks at the drugstore, and they’re a great gift for first-time parents. Sleeping is important, especially when you have a newborn who needs to be fed every few hours—and if you’re like me, you’ll find that being woken up by a baby crying or by the glare of sunlight coming through your blinds (because no one ever puts curtains up in their homes) isn’t exactly conducive to getting quality shuteye.

Eye masks are perfect because they help babies sleep better, making mom and dad happy too! They also mean that all three of us have been sleeping better than we would if I had been worrying over whether or not my baby was going hungry while he slept peacefully because we couldn’t hear him crying due to having an eye mask on while we were asleep!


It’s hard to know what a new mother might want. They will be grateful for whatever you give them, but if you want to make your Best Presents For New Mums stand out from the rest, it’s best to think carefully about what she might like and buy something thoughtful.
