Planning to paint your home this summer? If so, you may run into certain problems that are unique to the time of year and location. Before you call professional residential painters in Melbourne, consider the following tips for painting a house during the summer. By anticipating these issues, you can prepare yourself to overcome them before they arise! In this guide, we’ll cover five common problems that homeowners face when painting their houses in the summertime. All of these issues are specific to painting during warmer months, so if you plan on painting during other seasons, you won’t have to worry about them. Let’s get started!
1) The Weather
The weather can create some challenges for residential painters Melbourne. While summer is the best time to paint, it can be difficult to complete a project quickly when working outside for hours on end. Heat and humidity can make painting more difficult and require more breaks. Sunlight is also challenging because it causes a house to reflect extra heat back onto the surface being painted. To avoid these issues, hire a professional residential painter in Melbourne that knows how to work efficiently while also taking care of your home’s exterior at the same time.
2) Workload
The summer months can put a lot of strain on your body, whether you’re painting your house or running a marathon. The heat and humidity can make you feel lethargic, exhausted, dizzy or just plain hot. It’s important to take precautions to not only paint the exterior of the house but also keep yourself safe and healthy when it comes to these extreme conditions.
3) Heat, Heat, Heat
The heat can dry out the paint quicker and make it harder to cover up cracks. This is why it’s important to keep your paint wet. Beware of high temperatures, which can lead to sunburns and skin cancer, as well as cause trouble with the painting process by drying out the paint quicker and making it harder to cover up cracks. Make sure that you have enough time for the job because painting takes longer than you would think due to how hot it is and how hard it can be on your body if you’re not used to being outside all day long in these extreme temperatures. Dress appropriately!
4) Water and Humidity
One of the most common issues that arise when painting during the summer is water and humidity. This can cause paint to dry improperly and make it more difficult to get a smooth coat. A good way to deal with this issue is by using two coats of paint instead of just one, allowing you to let the first coat dry before applying a second one. Another option is laying down plastic before calling Residential Painters Melbourne to start your project, which will help keep moisture at bay while also making cleanup easier.
5) Laying the Paint
The first step to painting your house is to clean off all the dirt and debris from the surface, which you can do with a power washer or a pressure washer. Next, you need to apply primer to allow the paint to stick better. If you don’t prime first, your paint may not have adhered as well. Finally, you’re ready for two coats of paint!